So I'm a little bummed. Not in my every day life, but in my creative life. You know the thing that I am currently trying to make a living off of? (I can hear my husband laughing at that). Anyways, back to me and my non creativity. I'm just in a rut. It literally hurts to be creative (Ok, that might be a little dramatic, but you get the idea).
I have a huge inspiration board in front of me every day and its not working. I have a 100+ creative wedding/party/interiors/fashion/design blogs I read daily and its not working. I have been meeting with clients who have amazing wedding and events planned and thats not even working. I think there is one thing that will jump start my mind and get me back on track. It seems so far away, but I guess it's nearer to me now then it was 10 mins ago. The cure, you ask?:

Leaving you today with umbrella in my drink wishes and toes in the sand dreams!
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