8 years ago this morning, I was sleeping in because my drawing II class had been cancelled for the day. My roommate Jill and I were sound asleep happily dreaming when our suite mate Stephanie came into our room half asleep telling us her mom just called in a panic and said to turn on the tv. So we did. All of us were dazed and confused by what we were witnessing. I remember starring at the tv and the actions that were taking place and crying. I remember the cameras pointing to the sky as the other plane crashed, and I cried. The rest of the day was a blur. Most of my other classes were cancelled. Everyone around us was in shock. It didn't seem real, and yet it was. I couldn't stop watching the tv for some kind of answer, and every time I watched I cried as family and friends were shown heartbroken over their personal loss. I watched as people posted signs of the missing and watched reunions of the ones that survived. 8 years ago was a tragedy. A terrible act, done by terrible people. But because of 8 years ago I started to believe in my country and all the good that it has in it. I remember driving to the beach with my boyfriend and a friend and for 3 hours I saw American flags. Everyone had their flags out. 8 years ago everyone was the same. We were Americans who were hurt and stood together proudly to survive what had happened to us. It's sad that our lives have strayed so much from that time. Popularity, Politics, Cultures, everything has gotten in the way now. I will never forget what happened 8 years ago and the 3000 people that lost their lives. I will always be thankful for the countless men and women who have given their lives or who on a daily basis, actively serve our country and protect us so that a tragedy that was as great as 9.11 does not happen again. I am proud to be an American, and I will never forget what happened 8 years ago.
Wow Erin, that was very nicely written...you made me cry!
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