So we had a fabulous time in Auburn this past weekend! I got to hang out with my BFF's + we pulled out the win! There was a wee lil bit of rain....and when I said a wee lil bit, I mean the entire earth's supply of water was dumped onto Auburn, about 20 mins before the game was to start. Lucky for us (well maybe lucky) we were running late and snacking on some tailgate bar-b-q leftovers when it started (you can tell where our priorities were!). So we hung out in my car until the rain slowed down, picked up the boys and hauled our butts to the game before it eventually started. Here's a pic from the night before at the supper club:

Caroline - Heather - Emily - me! Oh and PS I am NOT that short, actually we're all about the same height, but after we trucked it down from our hotel to downtown my feet were burning in my wedges so I changed to flats, and thus became the 'short big busted one' of our group!
And here's a shot of me and B...B's a lil worse for the wear with his sleepy eyes in this shot because he was recovering from the swine flu that I gave him...don't fret, we're both better now!

I had a great time and glad I got to see everyone! This week has been very low key, thank goodness! B and I figured out that we don't have any more trips until October, when we get to go to Jamaica!!! whoot whoot! So excited about that, props to Mox + Donna for choosing to get married there!
Have a good day!
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