The To Do's this week:

1. Visit with friends - We have some friends that are already home (aka Oak Ridge) for Thanksgiving and some that are driving through on their way to home this week (aka Columbia,SC), so we're hoping to get to have dinner/hang out a lil with them before everyone goes on their merry way.

2. Drive to Memphis - I think we're set. I went to the pet store Sunday and loaded up on Puppy pills to hopefully knock Jackson out while we're on our way. He hasn't been in the car this long, since we moved from Memphis to Knoxville. I hope now that we know he gets car sick/anxiety we can keep him calm/passed out the whole trip! And with B's ankle in a boot and trying to stop it from swelling, looks like I'll be driving the whole 6 hours...yuck!

3. Sleep in and Watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade - Although I'm never really one to care about it, it sort of is a tradition to have it in the background during the Thanksgiving morning. I would have been glued to the set anxiously awaiting to see the Glee cast perform, but since they're not going to, looks like background noise you'll be!

4. Eat lots of Turkey, less mashed potatoes! - I got off my "diet" this past weekend for our last home tailgate, so I need to make sure I try to focus on not over eating this week! Of course I picked the hardest week to do that! Also need to pick up on my half marathon training. So far its been sparse. I just need to get into the habit!

5. Go see the Blind Side - I hear its the best movie. I have not heard one single negative thing from anyone who's seen it or from the media. Sounds like something to do Thanksgiving afternoon!

6. Join the ranks of the crazy's and wake up early to shop Black Friday - Normally I am waking up early to go to the store to work and wait for all the crazy's to show up. Sadly, I will be joining them this year. B and I plan to get up early to shop for ourselves (isn't that awful!). He needs a new watch and I need a jacket to keep me warm in the mountains of TN...I am still going to go visit my hometown store to help out at 8, but if most stores open at 5, that leaves us 3 hours of shopping!!!! Cant believe I'm going to be one of those people!

7. Work at the Collierville store - Its my favorite time of the year and the day after thanksgiving is by far my favorite day to work in retail. I think its just how crazy busy everyone is, but everyone is generally happy and hopped up on turkey! It usually flys by too!

8. Watch some Auburn football! - After working at the store I'm headed home to watch my Auburn Tigers take on the Alabama Crimson tide...We have nothing to lose, and they're undefeated. I would love love love it, if the Tigers could pull off the upset. And I really think we have the talent and spirit to do so. BUT we'll see! War Eagle!

9. Visit with family! My cousin, her husband and her son are coming to my parents to watch football and eat some Memphis BBQ (we're getting 3 different kinds just to have a sampling!). It will be good to see them and hang out with the rents too!

10. Rockettes- B's parents are taking us to go see the "Girls who kick the air" (as I like to call them). I'm really excited...more for the fact that we were going to go see the show in Nashville with friends next week, but decided it was too expensive. So this will be a nice treat!

11. Drive back to Knoxville - by far the worst part of the week! Here's hoping we can get out of town early enough to get home before dark. We always have a tendency to leave late and get home late which screws us up for the next week!

Can you believe its already Thanksgiving???? Crazy! That means Christmas is right around the corner!

Hope you have a great one! (Be sure to eat those extra mashed potatoes for me!)


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