Jane on the Brain: Jane Austen Inspiration

I have always had a fond appreciation of the 'Jane Austen' era...I love the stories, the colors, the fashion, the time period. I think I would do well there. I could put Emma, Pride and Prejudice and Becoming Jane on repeat and be a very happy camper! Well, yesterday I had the opportunity to have a meeting at Maple Grove Inn. And I felt like I was literally transported back in time! This beautiful location is literally 10 minutes from my office and while I was there I felt like I was no where near the city let alone the year 2010. The grounds and house were built all the way back in 1799 and still radiate in beauty today! My favorite part was the lane coming into the grounds with the gorgeous trees leading the way. So with all that in mind here's a quick inspiration board I did with some fabulous pics of the Inn and some more inspired Jane Austen picks:
{ Maple Grove Inn pics courtesy of Seaton Shoots, Wedding Dress from 100 layer cake, Gray Dress from J.Crew, Lavendar flowers from Through my Eyes, Save the Date from Secret Diary, Calligraphy from Kathryn Murray }


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