Even though I just jumped back on the blog train, I'm going to participate on the 'Bloggers Day of Silence' in an effort to bring awareness and support to what has happened and whats is continuing to be a struggle in Japan. My blog will be silent in honor and respect for Japan and their people. In this silence I ask that you take the time to visit www.forJapanwithLove.com and donate what you can to the Shelterbox.
ShelterBox provides emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affectied by disasters at the time when they need it the most. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, basic tool kit, children's activity pack and other vital items.
I'll be back Monday. Hope you have a blessed weekend.
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