Now that its after Christmas, I have a little bit of down time before the new year rolls around. So yesterday I went to work cleaning and organizing my office/studio! I have been meaning to have a work table for about ever, and although my heart was set on a $500 Ikea steel table, I think I have made something that I like better.
Here's what I did: I purchased some chrome shelves for work equipment, so I got to use the other ones I had to make a table and to store my be true paper work. B measured and ordered a glass top that was perfect and then I used the cardboard that the glass came in (yea recycle!) to make the bottom base. Yesterday I finally unleashed my inspiration folder on my computer by printing out some images and using some magazine images that I've been saving to make the table's background by lightly taping them onto the cardboard. Next I cleaned and placed the glass on top...and voila! Now whenever I get a brain fart and can't be creative I can just go over to my table and be inspired!
DIY Studio Table
Posted by
on Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Labels: betruedesigns, good things, home sweet home, inspirations
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