Resolution #10 already broken!

OK so I had a resolution to blog 5 days a week...and that was what 7 days ago? Oops. Oh well, life has been crazy since I made that resolution, surely you understand?

Our dear friends Angie + Watkins came to visit for New Years, which consisted of a yummy Italian dinner out and then a wine fest and TN football game to ring in the new year! The next 2 days were lazy and glutinous. And then on Monday I went to Atlanta for a meeting. Turns out a certain someone I work with has decided to move on with her own business and stop working for the company, which kind of leaves me at the helm. Very nervous about it and kind of frustrated b/c I had resolution #6 to work on (expand be true)...hoping that all this new job stuff won't take away ALL my time for it...who am I kidding, I know it will. I guess I'll add a resolution #11 and #12 to that list, patience + time management skills.

Anyways when I returned home on Wednesday we were welcomed with a huge snow fall. Right now it's done snowing (although the forecast says it will be back this weekend), but there are 1-2 inches on the ground. Jackson has never seen or played in snow (since he was born and raised in Florida) so he was having a blast learning what to do with it...B and I would throw snowballs at him and he would chase them and eat them! So glad I got my bad ass jacket when I did...I have yet to be cold with it on. Even though the windchill is below 12 degrees! Now if only I could get some gloves to match!
{ here's a pic of one of the bridges downtown on Thursday}

No plans for the weekend, except to run a few errands and workout...How great is that?
Hoping you stay warm wherever you are!



emily mccarthy { designer } said...

SAD! It's all my fault!!! You will get there - promise!

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